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Good Morning Motivation- The Sleep Learn



檔案大小:56.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Good Morning Motivation- The Sleep Learning System(圖1)-速報App

Start your day off great by removing negative energy – while you sleep! The world-famous Sleep Learning System has teamed up with hypnotherapist Rachael Meddows for a soothing listening experience that will have you feeling great in no time!

* SPIRITUAL CLEANSE program included for FREE (download in the Store tab)

* Edit your Playlist to customize each session

* Play multiple programs per session

* Set the alarm to wake you in the morning

Browse the store for other great Sleep Learning programs or use the UNLOCK ALL in-app for over 60% savings. All in-app products were chosen to help you boost your confidence, motivation, and have the best day ever.

Good Morning Motivation- The Sleep Learning System(圖2)-速報App

Whether you use one or all of the programs, your life will change.

The store offers the following programs:

- Power Meditation

- Confidence Booster

- Negativity Shield

- Stop Self-Criticism

Good Morning Motivation- The Sleep Learning System(圖3)-速報App

- Be a Morning Person

- Create Your Own Opportunities

- Love and Cherish Yourself

- Positive Thinking

- Stop Procrastination

The Sleep Learning System is specially designed to work with your subconscious mind during your sleep cycle. The guided meditation and soothing background music will deeply relax your body and mind for the perfect night’s sleep, while allowing you to access the deepest parts of your mind to help you have a great, productive day.

Good Morning Motivation- The Sleep Learning System(圖4)-速報App

Rachael Meddows’ special Sleep Induction will gently guide you into your REM stage of sleep, working with your subconscious to make lasting change.

Good Morning Motivation- The Sleep Learning System(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad